недеља, 9. јун 2013.

A-Beta-CarE (54)

Snabdeva organizam vitaminom A, E i selenom, moćnim antioksidantima koji su od vitalnog značaja za zdravlje kože, kose i očiju


Vitamin A, vitamin E i selen koji se nalaze u beta-karotinu po najnovijim saznanjima izuzetno su efikasni antioksidansi. Slobodni radikali su hemijski komponenti, koji u našem telu nastaju pod uticajem napetosti, zagađenja vazduha, sunčevog zračenja, stresa i drugih štetnih faktora okoline.A-Beta-CarE su meke kapsule, one su izvor antioksidanata u borbi protiv slobodnih radikala, pomažu pri sprečavanju oštećenja ćelija.

Vitamin E - jedan je od najvažnijih u borbi protiv slobodnih radikala. Ovaj vitamin, nalazi se uglavnom u biljnim uljima i zrnima.Količina vitamina koja se nalazi u hrani, nije dovoljna za organizam, pošto u procesu pripremanja hrane uništavamo vitamine. Poznato je više vrsta vitamina E, ali najefikasniji su prirodni vitamini E, to jest D alfa-tokoferol.

Vitamin A - štiti našu sluzokožu, obezbeđuje njenu hidrataciju i neophodan je za zdravu kožu, kosu i nokte. Neophodan je za dobar vid i njegov nedostatak izaziva kokošje slepilo.Potreban je i za razvoj dece i za razvoj hrskavice. Utiče na plodnost. Sa uspehom se koristi u lečenju pojedinih kožnih oboljenja (akne, psorijaza, itd.). Vitamin A se pokazao efikasan i u preventivi raka kože, dojke i mokraćne bešike.

Selen - je neophodan za funkcionisanje glutatuion peroksidaze, sem toga on je sastavni deo enzima iodinaze štitne žlezde. Nedostatak selena izaziva oboljenja srčanog mišića, slabost mišića, bolove u mišićima, a znak nedostatka selena su pruge na noktima.

Naš proizvod u optimalnim količinama i srazmeru sadrži gore navedene elemente. Ako se držimo preporučene doze 2-3 x 1 kapsula, imaćemo dobru kombinaciju vitamina, provitmina i elemenata u tragovima.
Sadržaj : 100 kapsula


Forever A-Beta-CarE®

Forever A-Beta-CarE® is an essential formula combining vitamins A (from beta-carotene) and E, plus the antioxidant mineral Selenium. Antioxidants are vital in the fight against free radicals (chemical molecules that arise from pollutants in the body and damage healthy cells).

Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, and cell division. It helps maintain the surface linings of the eyes and the respiratory, urinary, and intestinal tracts. Forever A-Beta-CarE® is a specially formulated dietary supplement that supplies vitamin A to the body from beta-carotene. The body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A in the small intestine during digestion or when it is needed, leaving a low risk of vitamin A overdose (which can be toxic when taken alone in large doses). Beta-carotene is also a recognized antioxidant, making it an ideal companion for vitamin E and Selenium.

Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, is an excellent supplement for healthy skin. It also protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the body cells and prevents breakdown of body tissues. 

Selenium is a trace mineral and is one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients known to work synergistically with both vitamin E and beta-carotene. It is beneficial in maintaining healthy skin, hair and good eyesight. Recent research shows that Selenium is especially important to men’s health.

This combination of nutrients, available all in one convenient product, is one of the most important complements to good health.

  • Supports healthy skin
  • Supports the circulatory system
  • Powerful antioxidant

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93

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