среда, 28. мај 2014.

Forever Aloe2Go®

Uživajte u hranljivom spoju raznovrsnog blagotvornog dejstva Aloe Vera Gela i slatkog egzotičnog ukusa Pomesteen Power®,  koji sadrži nar, krušku, mango, malinu, kupinu, borovnicu i ekstrakt semena grožđa. Forever Living Products® izdvojio je najbolje iz oba napitka i pretočio u ambalažu koja sadrži jednu dozu. Forever Aloe2Go® može se konzumirati svuda, u svako vreme, na radnom mestu, izletu, u automobilu, za vreme putovanja. Za uzimanje mešavine dva zdrava napitka potrebno je samo otvoriti foliju.

Forever Aloe2Go® daje dodatnu energiju kroz ukusan napitak, obezbeđujući Vaše telo sa prirodnim ugljenim hidratima. Kombinacijom osveđavajućeg slatkog ukusa manga i Aloe Vera Gela, napravili smo ukusan antioksidantni koktel  koji blagotvorno deluje na dobro funkcionisanje imunog sistema.

Nar ima više antioksidanata od borovnice, zelenog čaja ili vina. Mango ima najveći sadržaj ksantona pronađen u voću. Neke studije pokazuju da ksantoni čak bolje i od vitamina C i vitamina E utiču na poboljšanje imunog sistema. Aloe Vera Gel obezbeđuje prirodnu potporu za dobro funkcionisanje imunog sistema, zbog visokog sadržaja polisaharida i drugih prirodnih pokretača imunološkog sistema. Imajući ove rezultate na umu, zajedno sa prijatnim ukusom i pogodnom ambalažom sigurni smo da ćete Aloe2Go® uvek nositi sa sobom.

Forever Aloe2Go®

You love the benefits of Forever Aloe Vera Gel™. And you love the sweet, exotic taste and the antioxidant blast of Forever Pomesteen Power®, which contains Pomegranate, Pear, Mangosteen, Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry and Grape Seed Extract. Forever Living Products® has taken the best of both drinks and combined them into a single-serving, convenient foil pouch!

Forever Aloe2Go® is ready to drink anytime, anywhere - at your desk, on the trail, in the car, on the go. Just grab a pouch, tear at the notch, and drink in the tasty benefits of these two nutritious drinks in one!

Forever Aloe2Go® can give you the great-tasting energy boost you need by providing your body with natural carbohydrates. By combining the refreshingly sweet flavor of the Mangosteen, (dubbed the”Queen of Fruits” for its exquisite taste) and Aloe Vera Gel, we have created the Ultimate Antioxidant Cocktail. Your immune system won’t know what’s keeping it in top form - but you will!

The Pomegranate has more antioxidants than blueberries, green tea or wine. The Mangosteen fruit has the highest content of xanthones found in any fruit. Some studies have shown that xanthones are even better than vitamins C and E for boosting the body’s immune system! Aloe Vera Gel provides natural support for the immune system because of its high content of polysaccharides and other natural immune enhancers.With these results in mind - along with its delicious taste and convenient pouch - you’re going to want to make sure your supply of convenient Forever Aloe2Go® pouches never runs low!

  • All the benefits of Forever Aloe Vera Gel™ and Forever Pomesteen Power®
  • Great tasting drink in one convenient pouch
  • The “Ultimate Antioxidant Cocktail”
Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

Check it out at 

Check it out at       http://www.foreverliving.com?store=USA&distribID=360000158781

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