субота, 1. новембар 2014.

Pure Gold

Busy honey bees are true golden treasure of nature.

Not only do they supply us with sweet, golden honey, but also they give us an array of other valuable active components. All-natural bee products are the ideal complement to aloe vera and play an important part in wellness and a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Pollen - has been called a miracle food and the “Ambrosia of the Gods” for good reason as it is one of the most nutrient dense materials in the world. As the field bees gather nectar from within the flower it also gathers pollen or the “male seed of the flower”. The bees combine the pollen with their own saliva and nectar and create small granules that we call Bee Pollen. Pollen is rich in protein and loaded with amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and coenzymes. Due to the high level of nutrition in bee pollen, world class athletes have
been known to use pollen to support their high intensity training and performance. Bees work all day at an amazing pace which requires the nutritional support of pollen. Humans have also used pollen to provide natural energy and stamina. Pollen along with most of the bee products are some of the rare substances scientist cannot synthetically duplicate in the lab. Nature has created a proprietary formula for Pollen that even the brightest scientific minds have yet to figure out.

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

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