субота, 14. мај 2016.


John F. Kennedy once said, “We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” When German cyclist Stefan Troger decided to cycle across America from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Golden Gate Bridge he chose to undertake the journey not for publicity but because it was a challenge.
Along the way he was met with several hurdles that he chronicled in an online journal for his family and friends back in Germany. Stefan was plagued with headwinds, rain, stray dogs and rough terrain that forced him to make several repairs to his bike.

ARGI+® Fuels Stefan

For a cyclist that was averaging over 75 miles a day, you’d expect to see entries regarding Stefan overcoming fatigue but it’s simply not there. He attributes his overall level of continuous energy during the 57 day journey to ARGI+®. Stefan says the daily supplement containing 5 grams of the amino acid L-Arginine and a sophisticated vitamin complex gave his body the boost it needed to keep going from coast to coast.

L-Arginine is a powerful amino acid which our bodies convert into nitric oxide, which, helps blood vessels relax and open wide for greater blood flow to give performance a boost - perfect for a cyclist climbing steep mountain roads.

ARGI+ was developed based on the Nobel Prize winning science of Dr. Ferid Murad, MD-Ph.D. Dr. Murad recently said, “I think the opportunity for nutritionals such as ARGI+® with L-Arginine and antioxidants coming from various fruit and grape extracts will enhance the effects of nitric oxide production and activity.” 

The NEW Enhanced Formula of ARGI+ provides additional benefits with additional Vitamins B and D to help support cellular function and optimal performance.

Experiencing America

On May 2, Stefan and his bike both arrived in the United States in preparation for his journey. Before beginning his cross-country adventure, he took some time to enjoy Manhattan, Central Park, Battery Park and Ellis Island.

In Pennsylvania he observed Amish horse-drawn carriages, free-roaming dogs and plenty of agriculture, which continued into Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska. 

Stefan chronicles several endearing encounters in the Midwest. Handshakes and well wishes at gas stations, high-fives from diner waitresses and a free motel stay including a visit to a restaurant chain for a steak while riding through Nebraska. After striking up a conversation with an elderly couple regarding his trek across America, the two were so excited that they called over three waiters and a manager to discuss his adventure. When asked, “Why do you carry a tent with you?” His answer was simple. It allowed him to be flexible and stop for rest when needed - and most importantly, in the morning he always woke up to incredible views!

Taking the Road Less Traveled

Leaving the Midwest and planning his route, Stefan had an important choice to make on how to get to San Francisco. He could go south through Utah, or north over the majestic Rocky Mountains. The Utah route was flat desert, a much easier ride. The northern route offered significantly more climbs through Yellowstone Park. Stefan says it was an easy choice. By the time he got to Wyoming he felt fresh and was a day ahead of schedule. He navigated Yellowstone with ease and Stefan says traversing through the iconic National Park was the highlight of his trip, an added benefit of not taking the easy route!

A Strong Finish

On the last legs of his trip he rode through the Redwoods, took a quick detour to Crater Lake and cruised down the Pacific Coast Highway into San Francisco. 

On the 57th and last morning of his journey, just 26 miles separated him from the finish line. It was a victory lap of sorts, arriving at high noon at The Golden Gate Bridge. 

During his expedition he crossed 13 states and pedaled 4,000 miles over varying terrain, but with the help of ARGI+® he finished strong totaling 358 hours - nearly 15 days of riding time
Congratulations Stefan!

ARGI+ Stick Pack

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Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

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