среда, 15. мај 2013.

Forever Active Probiotic (222)

Forever ACTIVE PROBIOTIC - 6 dobrih bakterija

Prema rečniku, mikrob je sićušna forma života, mikroorganizam. Ljudska bića su domaćini raznim vrstama mikroba. Oni žive na našoj koži, u našim ustima i u svim delovima našeg gastrointestinalnog trakta. Zapravo, procenjeno je da više od 400 različitih vrsta mikroba stanuje u ljudskom telu kao u svojoj kući - oni su čak mnogo brojniji nego ćelije u našem organizmu.

Mikrobi su živi organizmi koji postoje u mašem telu i igraju važnu ulogu u našem opštem zdravlju i blagostanju. Neki mikrobi su loši, međutim, većina mikroba je blagotvorna. Ove " dobre bakterije" su nazvane "probioticima" od grčke reči "za život". Osmišljen da potpomogne zdrav digestivni sistem,Forever Active Probiotic je mala, za gutanje laka kapsula koja deluje pre svega u debelom crevu gde pomaže proces varenja hrane, tj. oslobađanje hranljivih sastojaka za apsorpciju i pozitivno doprinosi normalom ljudskom rastu i razvoju, pomažući da se održi balansiran i zdrav sistem.

Pošto su probiotici sami za sebe vrlo krhki ( toplota i stomačna kiselina ih lako uništavaju), Forever Active Probiotic koristi ekskluzivnu, patentiranu tehnologiju koja obezbeđuje da se jedinstvena kombinacija probiotika, šest blagotvornih vrsta mikroba, oslobodi iz kapsulice tek kada dođe do željenog odredišta - debelog creva. Probiotici u Forever Active Probiotic-u potiču iz roda Lactobacillus i Bifidobacterium, i to su:

1. LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPFILUS - sprečava pojavu nepoželjnih organizama, sprečava njihovo umnožavanje i nastanjivanje
2. BIFIDOBACTERIUM LONGUM - izbacuje loše bakterije i smnjuje pojavu gastrointestinalnih oboljenja
3. BIFIDOBACTERUIM LACTIS - snižava nivo pH vrednosti u telu i sprečava porast nepoželjnih oboljenja
4. LACTOBACILLIUS RHAMNOS - štiti intestinalni trakt od nepoželjnih bakterija
5. LACTOBACILLUS BULGARICUS - održavaju čistoću i balansiranost tankog creva
6. LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM - čuva osnovne nutritiente, vitamine i antioksidante u borbi protiv nepoželjnih supstanci u našoj hrani.

Ono što je izuzetno u vezi Forever Active Probiotic-a je to što on deluje u tandemu sa našom patentiranom Aloe Vera Gelom. Aloja deluje kao "prebiotik" koji hrani rast i obezbeđuje idealno okruženje za funkcionisanje probiotika.

Način upotrebe: Popiti 1 tabletu dnevno sa vodom( najbolje 0.3 dl Aloe Vera Gela razblažiti sa 1.5 dl negazirane mineralne vode) na prazan želudac ili minimum 2 sata posle jela. Kapsulu ne žvakati ili gnječiti.


Forever Active Probiotic

Microbes are live microorganisms that exist in our bodies and play a role in our general health and well being. While some microbes are bad, the majority are beneficial. These “good bacteria” are called “probiotic,” meaning “for life” in Greek. Forever Living Products® recognizes the important role that beneficial microbes play in human health and the need for probiotic supplementation. Designed to promote a healthy digestive system, Forever Active Probiotic® is a small, easy-to-swallow beadlet that helps overcome imbalances created by our food and lifestyle choices, which can inadvertently lead to a reduction in the amount of naturally occurring probiotics. Forever Active Probiotic® works primarily in the intestines where it assists with the process of food digestion, helping to release nutrients for absorption, and contributes positively to normal human growth and development by helping to maintain a balanced and healthy system.

As probiotics themselves are quite fragile, Forever Active Probiotic® uses an exclusive, patented encapsulation technology that protects the probiotics then releases a unique combination of six beneficial strains of microbes only after they reach the desired destination of the intestines. The probiotics in Forever Active Probiotic® are derived from Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera; the species are:

Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Bifidobacterium Longum
Bifidobacterium Lactis
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
Lactobacillus Plantarum

Forever Active Probiotic® is the only shelf-stable, 6-strain probiotic on the market today that requires no refrigeration. And what’s great about Forever Active Probiotic® is that it works in tandem with our patented aloe vera. Aloe acts as a “prebiotic,” which fosters the growth of and provides the ideal environment for the probiotic to function. So whether your goal is to promote a healthy digestive system or enhance nutrient absorption and immune function, add Forever Active Probiotic® to your daily supplement program.

  • Promotes a healthy digestive system
  • Enhances nutrient absorption and immune function
  • Unique combination of 6 beneficial strains of microbes
  • No refrigeration needed

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

http://aloeverazdravaishrana.blogspot.rs/2014/07/supporting-digestive-health.html http://aloeverazdravaishrana.blogspot.rs/2014/03/tips-for-your-digestive-health.html

Mirela Vujanović
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