недеља, 12. мај 2013.


FOREVER B12 PLUS - vitamin B12 + folna kiselina

Odlična kombinacija esencijalnih nutrienata. Forever B12 Plus kombinuje vitamin B12 sa folnom kiselinom koristeći formulu vremenskog oslobađanja, da pomogne i učini mogućim metaboličke procese, uključujući deobu ćelija, sintezu DNA, proizvodnju crvenih krvnih zrnaca i pravilno funkcionisanje nervnog sistema.

Vitamin B12 ili Cyanocobalamin ( jedini vitamin koji sadrži kobalt ) bio je prvi put otkriven1948 godine kao hranljivi faktor koji štiti od smrtonosne i opake anemije. B12 sa folnom kiselinom takođe deluje na snižavanje nivoa homocysteine u telu.

Nedostatak vitamina B12 znači i nedostatak folne kiseline što je kritično za razvoj fetusa u toku prva tri meseca trudnoće. Koristan je za žene koje žele da ostanu u drugom stanju.

Ovaj dodatak ishrani je izuzetno siguran jer se obe komponente tolerišu u visokim količinama. Takođe, bitan je u ishrani vegeterijanaca, jer se B12 normalno dobija iz životinjskih izvora.

- Pomaže snižavanju nivoa homocysteine !!!!
- Izuzetno siguran, čak i u velikim količinama !!!!
- Veoma je važno uzimanje vitamina B12 i
folne kiseline zajedno !!!!!

Način primene: Uzimati jednu do dve tablete
dnevno, poželjno posle jela.


Forever B12 Plus®

An excellent combination of essential nutrients, Forever B12 Plus® combines Vitamin B12 with Folic Acid utilizing a time-release formula to help make possible metabolic processes - including cell division, DNA synthesis, red blood cell production, and proper nerve function.

Vitamin B12, or Cyanocobalamin, was first discovered in 1948 as a nutritional factor that is vital for red blood cell production. B12 also works with folic acid to maintain healthy homocysteine levels in the body.

Perform this first act of love for your baby! Vitamin B12 deficiency also means deficiency in folic acid, which is critical to the fetus during the first three months of pregnancy, also making it beneficial to women wishing to conceive.

This supplement is extrememly safe, as both components are tolerated in large amounts. It is also essential to a vegetarian or vegan diet, as B12 is normally obtained from animal sources.

Enjoy the benefits of Vitamin B12 and folic acid together, in a formula exclusively designed to complement the rest of our supplement range!

  • Helps maintain healthy homocysteine levels
  • Extremely safe, even in large amounts
  • Supplements of vitamin B12 and folic acid should be taken together

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93

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