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Forever VISION - čuvar našeg vida |
Forever Vision je dijetetski dodatak ishrane sa borovnicom, luteinom i zeksantinom, plus antioksidansi i druge hranljive materije. Borovnica, popularna tradicionalna biljka, podržava normalan vid i poboljšava cirkulaciju u očima. Lutein (karotenoid), koji se nalazi u mnogom voću i povrću, pomaže pri zaštiti mrežnjače. Zeksantin i astaksantin su karotenoidi važni za zdravlje očne mrlje.
Nedavno objavljena naučna studija u medicinskom časopisu "Investigative Ophatomology & Visual Science" naglašava : " Na isti način kako nastaju oštećenja na koži od dejstva sunčevih zraka, što daje pojavu bora i promene u pigmentaciji kože, dolazi i do oštećenja naših očiju, te dovodi do pojave katarakte i degeneracije makule", objašnjava Dr. Steven G. Pratt, oftamolog u Scripps Memorial Bolnici, Jolla California.
Dve tablete dnevno Forever Vision-a obezbeđuju neophodnu antioksidativnu zaštitu očiju, te poboljšavaju ishranu oka.
Forever Vision® |
Our vision is a precious sense, and one that we should not take for granted. While we may supplement our diets with nutrients to enhance our overall well-being, we tend to overlook our eyesight as a necessary part of our health to maintain.
Forever Vision® is a dietary supplement with bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin, plus super antioxidants and other nutrients. Bilberry, a popular traditional herb, can support normal eyesight and improve circulation to the eyes. Lutein, a common carotenoid found in many vegetables and fruits, can help protect the retina. Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin are other carotenoids that are important to the eye’s macular health.
With just 2 tablets per day, Forever Vision® is an easy way to help you keep looking clearly into the future!
Forever Vision® is a dietary supplement with bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin, plus super antioxidants and other nutrients. Bilberry, a popular traditional herb, can support normal eyesight and improve circulation to the eyes. Lutein, a common carotenoid found in many vegetables and fruits, can help protect the retina. Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin are other carotenoids that are important to the eye’s macular health.
With just 2 tablets per day, Forever Vision® is an easy way to help you keep looking clearly into the future!
- Provides Bilberry, Lutein and Zeaxanthin
- Supports normal eyesight
- Keeps you looking into the future
Thesestatements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseas
Mirela Vujanović
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ID 360000158781
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Check it out at http://www.foreverliving.com?store=USA&distribID=360000158781
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