Deca ga rado koriste. Dijabetičarima a ni osobama koje imaju problema sa želucem takođe se ne preporučuje zbog sadržaja voća i zbog borovnice koja utiče na stvaranje kiseline u želucu.
Pozitivna dejstva:
- Pomaže kod amenija - odličan izvor prirodnog gvožđa
- Ubrzava oporavak posle bolesti ili operacije
- Poboljšava apetit
- Povećava fizičku snagu
- Poboljšava potenciju i kvalitet sperme
- Pomaže kod problema sa prostatom
- Smiruje uro-genitalne probleme
- Pomaže u eliminisanju noćnog mokrenja
- Smanjuje menstrualne tegobe
- Značajna pomoć kod trombocitopenije
Doziranje: u cilju očuvanja zdravlja 0,3 -0,5 dl dnevno, kod zdravstvenih problema 1dl dnevno. Ne može doći do predoziranja niti ima bilo kakva prateća dejstva.
Forever Aloe Berry Nectar ™
Besides their reputation as a cleanser for the urinary tract, cranberries provide a high content of vitamin C. They are also a natural source of healthful proanthocyanidins.
Apple juice contains many flavonoids as well as pectin.
You can drink Forever Aloe Berry Nectar™ with meals or alone. The delicious flavor is totally natural, prepared from a blend of fresh cranberries and sweet, mellow apples. Added fructose (a natural fruit sugar) sweetens it just enough to please both adults and children alike.
- All the benefits of Forever Aloe Vera Gel™ with the sweet taste of cranberries
- Contains healthful phytonutrients
- Natural source of Vitamin C
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781
064 254 36 93
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