среда, 24. април 2013.

Forever Pomesten Power (262)

Forever Pomesten Power - Super Antioksidans 

Neosporna je činjenica da su antioksidansi od velike važnosti za naše zdravlje. Danas, među nutricionistima vode se mnoge rasprave o tome koje voće je najjači antioksidans, koje ima najveći sadržaj XANTHONES ili koje ima najveću ORAC vrednost. Forever Pomesten Power poseduje sve navedene karakteristike kao mešavina voćnih sokova i EKSTRAKATA NARA, KRUŠKE, MANGOSTENA, MALINA, KUPINA, BOROVNICE I SEMENKI GROŽĐA !!!!!!!!!!!!

Vrednost ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, mogućnost absorbovanja slobodnih kiseoničkih radikala) je pokazatelj koliko dobro antioksidans sprečava slobodne radikale da nanesu poremećaj. ORAC vrednosti voća su veoma različite, čak se i kod iste vrste voća javljaju različite vrednosti u zavisnosti koliko je vremena proteklo od branja. Najznačajnije je to da su svi sastojci koji čine Forever Pomesten Power pri vrhu liste najvećih vrednosti ORAC, posebno Nar i Mangosten!

Sok Nara sadrži više polifenola (antioksidans) nego crno vino, zeleni čaj i sok pomorandže, pri tom odličan je izvor vitamina A,C,E i jedinjenja gvožđa.

Mangosten je popularno azijsko voće. Zbog njegovog odličnog ukusa kraljica Viktorija je proglasila ga za svoje omiljeno voće, od tada ga nazivaju "Kraljicom voća". Vrlo je visoke ORAC vrednosti i bogato je blagotvornim ksantonima. Ksantoni su familija jedinjenja prirodno sadržanih u voću, a pri tom su super snažni antioksidansi. Osetite neverovatnu moć antioksidanasa Nara, Mangostena i ostalog egzotičnog voća upotrebom Forever Pomesten Power.

- Super antioksidans
- Jedinstvena mešavina voćnih sokova i ekstrakata
- Egzotični ukus koji će se svima dopasti

Način upotrebe: Dobro promućkati pre upotrebe,koristite 30ml dnevno ili po želji.Preparat držati u frižideru i popiti u rokuod 30 dana od otvaranja.

Pakovanje: 473 ml

Forever Pomesteen Power®

There’s no disputing the fact that antioxidants are extremely vital to our health and well being. There is, however, much discussion today among nutritionists as to which fruit is the most powerful antioxidant, or which contains the most Xanthones or has the highest ORAC value rating. Forever Pomesteen Power® has them all with a proprietary blend of fruit juices and extracts, including Pomegranate, Pear, Mangosteen, Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry and Grape Seed. 

ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is an indicator of how well an antioxidant inhibits free radical damage. The ORAC value of fruits can vary greatly, even when testing the same fruit at different times after harvesting. What is important to know is that all of the ingredients of Forever Pomesteen Power® are near the top of the list in ORAC value, especially Pomegranate and Mangosteen fruit. 

Pomegranate juice has more polyphenol antioxidants than red wine, green tea, cranberry juice and orange juice. In addition, it is a good source of Vitamins C. 

Mangosteen is a popular fruit in Asia. Its exquisite taste prompted Queen Victoria to declare it her favorite fruit, henceforth it has been referred to as the “Queen of Fruits!” Its ORAC value is very high, and it is rich in beneficial Xanthones. Xanthones are a family of naturally occurring nutritional compounds in fruits that are super-powerful antioxidants. 

Experience the incredible power of antioxidants from Pomegranate, Mangosteen, and other exotic fruits with Forever Pomesteen Power®!
• Super Antioxidant 
• Unique blend of fruit juices and extracts 
• Exotic flavor that everyone loves

This item is not available in California.

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93

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