четвртак, 30. мај 2013.

Forever ImmuBlend (355)

 Forever Immublend pomaže našem biološkom sistemu da uspostavi maksimalnu odbranu od virusa, bakterija, gljivica i delovanja slobodnih radikala.

Forever Immublend predstavlja potporu svih aspekata funcionisanja imunog sistema, od prve do poslednje odbrambene linije. Svaki od sastojaka naše originalne mešavine je posebno odabran da poboljša funkcionisanje našeg imunog sistema na svim linijama odbrane. Ona pomaže našem biološkom sistemu da uspostavi maksimalnu odbranu od virusa, bakterija, gljivica i delovanja slobodnih radikala.

Naša hranljiva mešavina koja pojačava imunitet obuhvata snagu laktoferina, maitake i šitake pečuraka, zajedno sa vitaminom C i D, kao i dodatkom cinka. Svaki od ovih ključnih sastojaka doprinosi blagostanju našeg organizma:

1. FRUKTO-OLIGOSAHARIDI - stvaraju zdravu podlogu za razvoj probiotskih bakterija u sistemu za varenje
2.LAKTOFERIN - potpomaže proizvodnju imunih ćelija i održavanje optimalne koncentracije korisnih bakterija u crevima.Glavne funkcije su:probiotičko dejstvo, antibakterijsko dejstvo, antivirusno delovanje,
antioksidacijsko delovanje
3.MAITAKE I ŠITAKE PEČURKE - potpomažu proizvodnju imunih ćelija i kardiovaskularnufunkciju. Maitake je bogata mineralima (kalijum, kalcijum, magnezijum)
i raznim vitaminima (B2, D2, niacin), vlaknima i aminokiselinama.Šitake pečurka je odličan izvor minerala: kalcijuma, fosfora, gvožđa,kalijuma, i magnezijuma. Bogata je i vitaminima iz grupe B: B1,B2,B3,
B5,B6,B11,B12, D (kalciferol) dok ostale sadrži u manjem procentu. Sadrži sve esencijalne aminokiseline i biljna vlakna koja imaju važnu ulogu za probavni sistem
4.VITAMIN D3 - ojačava imune ćelije
5.VITAMIN C - bori se protiv slobodnih radikala
6.CINK - važan u borbi protiv slobodnih radikala i jačanju imunog sistema.

OPREZ: Ukoliko ste trudni, pokušavate da zatrudnite ili dojite,posavetujte se sa svojim lekarom pre nego što počnete da koristite ovaj preparat !
PAKOVANJE: 60 tableta - upotreba 2x1


Forever ImmuBlend®

Forever ImmuBlend™ is designed to support immune system function by addressing all aspects of the immune system from its first line of defense to its last. Each ingredient in our proprietary blend is specifically chosen for the crucial role it plays in supporting your body’s immune system function. It helps the body’s biological defense system to operate at peak performance so you can carry on your daily routine without any cares.

Our immune-enhancing nutrient blend includes the power of lactoferrin, maitake and shiitake mushrooms, along with vitamins C & D and zinc for that extra support your body needs. Each of these key ingredients contributes to your body’s well-being:

  • Fructooligosaccharides – promote healthy levels of probiotic bacteria in the digestive system.
  • Lactoferrin – supports immune cell production and helps maintain optimum levels of beneficial bacteria in the intestines
  • Maitake Shiitake Mushrooms – support immune cell production and cardiovascular function •Vitamin D – strengthens immune cells
  • Vitamin C –fights free radicals
  • Zinc – fights free radicals and supports immune cell production

This exclusive formula addresses all aspects of immune system function, providing both foundational nutrients required for a healthy immune system and natural botanicals that work synergistically to support immune function.

  • Supports all aspects of immune system function
  • Provides a variety of nutrients to support immune system activity
  • Fights free radicals

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93

субота, 25. мај 2013.

Aloe shampoo - aloe - jojoba (58)

Sonya Shampoo - aloe vera, jojoba i matična mleč da bi nam kosa bila zdrava i bujna.Šamponi  za  zdravu, suvu i tanku kosu.

Aloe-Jojoba šampon

Naša kosa biće sjajna, meka i poslušna sa pH balansiranom prirodnom alojinom formulom. Stabilizovani Aloe Vera Gel blagotvorno deluje ne samo na našu kosu već i na kožu glave.Svojstva gela čine šampon prirodnom alternativom drugim šamponima za kosu, dok ga u isto vreme njegova blaga koncentrovana formula čini odgovarajućim za sve tipove kose.Održavajući zdravom kosu i vlasište, njegovo enzimsko delovanje uklanja izumrle ćelije. Blagotvorno dejstvo Aloe Vera Gela ojačava kosu uz pomoć alojinih amino kiselina koje se slažu sa amino kiselinama u folikulama i papilama vlasi i opskrbljuje kosu saponinima i prirodnim agensima  i daje joj gustinu.
Svoju lepotu kose upotpunite i balzamom od aloje i jojobe.Ova kombinacija daje kosi jačinu, svežinu i elegantan izgled.


Your family’s hair will be shiny, soft and manageable with this pH-balanced, pure aloe formula. Stabilized aloe vera gel benefits not only your hair, but your scalp as well. The gel’s properties make it a natural alternative to other shampoos, while its gentle, concentrated formula makes it suitable for all hair types. Helping to maintain healthy hair and scalp, its enzymatic activity sloughs off dead cells. With the added benefits of stabilized aloe vera gel:
  • Strengthens with aloe amino acids, fortifying the amino acids in hair follicles and papillae.
  • It supplies saponins and natural sudsing agents to fortify hair and give it body.

Jojoba Oil, another important ingredient, is an excellent lubricant that has been used in hair care formulas for years. It replenishes lost moisture to both skin and hair. It adds more body while removing hardened sebum from the hair, and fortifies the hair shaft and ends. This naturally allows you to comb through the tangles of wet or dry hair, without leaving a dry, fly-away appearance. Forever Living Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo, a mild product capable of cleaning even the oiliest hair, helps remove flakes and soothe the scalp, leaving your hair shiny and manageable. 

  • Mild cleansing shampoo
  • Suitable for all hair types
  • Concentrated, pH-balanced formula
  • (use sparingly)

Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo


Dva ključna sastojka Aloe vera i matična mleč, čine da naša kosa izgleda bujna i gusta.Sonya Volume šampon čini kosu zdravom, sjajnom, a bezbedan je i za bojenu kosu. Matični mleč dodaje vlažnost, neguje kožu glave i eliminiše suvoću koja dovodi do stvaranja peruti. Aloe vera takodje vlaži i reguliše pH vrednost kože glave.Volumen kose upotpunite balzamom za volumen.


When your hair needs a pick-me-up, Sonya Volume Shampoo is the solution. Our exclusive formulation gives your hair full volume and shine with just the right balance of body and control.

Two of the key ingredients, Aloe Vera and Royal Jelly, leave you with lush, thicker-looking hair. Sonya Volume Shampoo promotes healthy, shiny hair without the added buildup - plus, it’s safe for color-treated hair.

Aloe Vera helps to moisturize and balance the scalp’s pH. Royal Jelly adds moisture, nourishing the scalp to combat dryness. Royal Jelly also contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the hair and aid in the repair of damaged hair.

Other nourishing ingredients in Sonya® Volume Shampoo include: 
  • PEG-10 Sunflower Glycerides – this derivative of Sunflower oil leaves hair shiny and adds a rich foam for thorough cleansing
  • Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein – attracts and retains moisture, builds body, improves manageability and luster, and smoothes hair weakened by chemical treatments
And with all of these good ingredients added, there’s no room left for the bad ingredients. Sonya Volume Shampoo cleanses without any parabens, propylene glycol, SLS or SLES.
  • Safe for color-treated hair
  • Thickens & fortifies hair
  • Cleanses while adding volume and shine
  • Balances the scalp’s pH
Sonya® Volume Shampoo
Sonya® Volume Conditioner

Hidrantni šampon

Sonya Hydrate šampon ima jedinstvenu, ultra hidrirajuću formulu koja kosu čini otpornom i punom energije, uz povećan volumen i sjaj. Takođe, pomoći će oštećenoj kosi da se regeneriše. Nega kose biće potpuna uz balzam za hidrataciju.


Quench your hair with Sonya® Hydrate Shampoo, the perfect start to your hair care routine. This moisture-enriched shampoo has a unique, ultra-hydrating formulation that leaves hair more resilient and energized, with increased body and shine.

Aloe Vera and Royal Jelly help regulate your dry hair’s natural moisture balance, leaving it noticeably cleaner, shinier, healthier, and easier to manage. You will love its pleasant scent and your hair will love the added moisture; it’s also safe for color-treated hair.

Aloe Vera helps to moisturize and balance the scalp’s pH. Royal Jelly also adds moisture, nourishing the scalp to eliminate the dryness that can lead to dandruff. Royal Jelly also contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the hair and aid in the repair of damaged hair.

Other nourishing ingredients in Sonya® Hydrate Shampoo include:
  • Panthenol – this derivative of Vitamin B5 moisturizes the scalp, reduced split ends, and adds shine
  • PEG-10 Sunflower Glycerides– this derivative of Sunflower oil leaves hair shiny and adds a rich foam for thorough cleansing 

Also key to what this formula does have is what it doesn’t have. Sonya Hydrate Shampoo cleanses without any parabens, propylene glycol, SLS or SLES.
  • Safe for color-treated hair
  • Regulates hair’s natural moisture balance
  • Balances the scalp’s pH
Sonya® Hydrate Shampoo
Sonya® Hydrate Conditioner

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

064 254 36 93

уторак, 21. мај 2013.

Forever Aloe First (040)

Aloe First  sprej neophodan u svakom domaćinstvu kao prva pomoć  kod opekotina, ublažavanja bolova, grčeva i upale mišića, koprivnjače, opadanja kose, krvarenja desni, za sinuse ...

ALOE FIRST - sprej za kožu i sluzokožu
- Aloina prva pomoć

Međunarodni naučni savet za ispitivanje Aloe Vera (IASC) potvrđuje količinu i čistoću Aloe Vere u proizvodu.

Prirodni umirujući sprej, umiruje kožu, hidrira, obezbeđuje pH balans kože.Aloe First sadrži više od tri četvrtine filtriranog, stabilizovanog Aloe Vera Gela i ekstrakte 11 pažljivo odabranih biljaka, čija je lekovitost već dokazana u praksi.Pored biljaka u Firstu se nalazi i pčelinji propolis sa svojim brojnim lekovitim svojstvima. Svi ovi dodaci u optimalnoj formi dopunjuju i pojačavaju širok spektar dejstava prirodnog Aloe Vera Gela.

Zahvaljujući svom sastavu služi kao prva pomoć kod brojnih povreda, kao što su posekotine, nagnječenja, oderotine, opekotine, zapalenja i alergije, te je neophodan u svakoj kućnoj apoteci. Aloe First imajte i u kuhinji i u kupatilu, i nikako nemojte da ga zaboravite poneti na godišnji odmor.

- opekotine
- posekotine
- oderotine
- uganuća
- zapaljenje usne duplje
- koprivnjača
- stomatitis
- sinusi
- alergije
- zaustavlja krvarenje
- bolovi u mišićima
- iščašenja
- grčevi mišića
- sportske povrede
- paradentoza
- ublažavanje bolova
- vitiligo
- genitalni svrab

Nanosimo na telo po potrebi, dok ne osetimo hidrantno i umirujuće dejstvo. Aloe First, tečna emulzija, u prvom redu pomaže kod površinskih povreda. Ako se kombinuje sa Aloe Vera Gelly-em ( zelena krema) kod otvorenih povreda, ili sa Aloe Vera Lotion (plava krema) kod otoka, i to tako da se prvo nanese Aloe First, postiže se maksimalan učinak ovih preparata.

Može se koristiti i kod zapaljenja čeonih sinusa , zapaljenja nosa usled prehlade, laringitisa. Takođe se koristi i kao losion za masažu, naročito dobro aktivira krvotok u donjim ekstremitetima.

Nega kose: sa masnom,farbanom, blajhanom kosom čini čuda. Posle pranja, kosu naprskati Firstom, blago umasirati u kosu, a zatim ukoliko je moguće, osušiti kosu na vazduhu. Ovaj postupak se može ponavljati svakodnevno i bez pranja kose.

Radi bolje kondicije sportisti ga koriste za ispiranje nosa, koristi se za opekotine od sunca, kao prva pomoć kod kožnih problema .... Aloe First spravom nosi naziv " PRVA POMOĆ"

stabilizovan aloe vera gel 78%, destilovana voda, alantoin, propilenglikol, tokoferol ( prirodan vitamin E ), polisorbat 20, imidazolidinilkarbamid, metilparaben, natrijumcitrat, propolis, ekstrakt nevena, kamilice, maslačka, eukaliptusa, gloginje, žalfije, đumbira, sandalovine, thymus vulgaris i drugog lekovitog bilja.

Proizvod je namenjen za primenu na koži i sluzokoži.

Rok upotrebe: 4 godine
Pakovanje: boca 473 ml


Aloe First®

Aloe First® is an excellent addition to any first aid kit. This exclusive skin soothing formula is an excellent first step for soothing minor skin irritations. Formulated in a base of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe First® contains Bee Propolis, Allantoin and eleven exclusive plant extracts:

  • Bee Propolis increases the natural skin-soothing and cleansing properties of the Aloe Vera Gel.
  • Allantoin is a beneficial ingredient found in many plants, including aloe.
  • Eleven carefully selected plant extracts, also known for their beneficial properties, complete this powerful formula.

The combination of aloe and herbs provide a naturally soothing, pH-balanced spray that is easy to apply to even sensitive skin. Aloe First® is designed to soothe the skin after minor cuts, scrapes, burns, and sunburn.

Other uses for Aloe First® include spraying on hair to help ward off the elements. It is even used in some hair salons as a pre-perm solution, as it helps combat the drying effects of perming solutions. Aloe First® is especially soothing after waxing.

  • Every first-aid kit should have one
  • Soothes minor skin irritations
  • Good for your hair, too
  • Pre-perming solution
  • Soothing after wax treatments

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93

недеља, 19. мај 2013.

Forever Marine Mask (234)

Forever MARINE MASK - čisti dubinski i vlaži kožu

Naporan dan može učiniti da naša koža izgleda i oseća se suvo i umorno. Vlaženje i dubinsko čišćenje je očigledno rešenje za revitalizaciju i povratak mekoće i prirodne teksture našoj koži.

Forever Marine Mask obezbeđuje dubinsko čišćenje, dok uravnotežuje teksturu kože sa prirodnim morskim mineralima kao što su morska trava i alge, uz dodatak super vlažnih, negujućih svojstava Aloe Vere, meda i ekstrakta krastavca. Ova duboko prodiruća maska i laka za primenu učiniće našu kožu osveženom i revitalizovanom.

Aloe barbadensis gel (stabilizovani aloe vera gel), voda, bentonit, glicerin, med, kaolin, natrijum hijaluronat, ekstrakt alge, ekstrakt morske trave (Macrocystis Pyrifera), ekstrakt ruzmarina (Rosmarius officinalis), ekstrakt krastavca (cucumis sativus), tokoferol ( prirodni vitamin E), askorbinska kiselina, retinol palmitat, 1,2-heksanediol, kaprilil glikol, metilparaben, miris.

Uputstvo za upotrebu:
Pošto smo temeljno očistili lice, bogato namazali Forever Marine Mask pokretima na gore i na dole, po celom licu, izbegavajući predeo oko očiju. Ostavimo da se osuši 15-20 minuta, zatim uklonimo toplom vodom i mekim peškirom.Koristimo bar dva puta nedeljno radi optimalnih rezultata.
- Obezbeđuje duboko čišćenje i vlaženje kože
- Sadrži pripodne morske minerale
- Lako se nanosi, maska za kondicioniranje

Pakovanje: 113 ml
Rok upotrebe: 4 godine

Forever Marine Mask ®

A long day of work or a hard day at play may leave your skin looking and feeling dull and dry. Added moisture and deep cleansing is the obvious solution to restoring and replenishing your skin’s softness and natural texture.

Forever Marine Mask® provides deep cleansing while balancing the skin’s texture with natural sea minerals from sea kelp and algae, plus the super moisturizing and conditioning properties of aloe vera, honey, and cucumber extract. This easy-to-apply, deep penetrating mask will leave your skin feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Your skin will love the exceptional quality of the natural ingredients found in Forever Marine Mask! 
  • Provides deep cleansing and moisturization
  • Contains natural sea minerals
  • Easy-to-apply conditioning mask

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93