среда, 25. фебруар 2015.

Forever Lite Ultra® - A Brand New Era

SKU# 470 - Forever Lite Ultra with
Aminotein Vanilla
With the launch of Forever F.I.T. in 2014, Forever Living also introduced the new pouch-style packaging of Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein®††.

As Forever F.I.T. continues to launch around the world and become such a huge success, Forever Nutraceutical needed to meet this expanding new supply for both the domestic and international markets. As a result, Forever Nutraceutical has purchased a state-of-art, automated pouching machine that is capable of producing 30 bags per minute (17,000 per shift) or 34,000 bags in a 24-hour period! That’s a lot of Forever Lite Ultra® bags!

The modern, high-tech features of this new equipment allow the manufacturing team to set parameters dictating speed, temperature and modes of operation specific to each product. New exciting features include:

  • A re-sealable pouch that helps keep product fresh and is easier for travel 
  • New 15 serving count allows you and your customers the choice between chocolate, vanilla or one of each in their F.I.T. 1 and F.I.T. 2 Paks 
  • An automated production process ensures the product is packaged and assembled at the top of industry standard

New technology, like the pouching machine, helps ensure that Forever Nutraceutical remains a leader in raw ingredient processing, formulation and manufacturing in the vitamin and supplement industry and provides you with the best packaging available on the market!

Forever Lite Ultra

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

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