Beli luk sadrži više od 200 biološki aktivnih materija.Najdelotvorniji je alicin koji poseduje snažno antibakterijsko dejstvo.Sadrži alicinom -eterično ulje u kome ima sumpora bez azota, a koje ima blagotvorno dejstvo na krvne sudove i srce.Pored toga što blagotvorno deluje na prokrvljenost i ishranjenost srčanog mišića, blagotvorno deluje i na celokupan sistem krvnih sudova u organizmu. Njegovo dejstvo posebno je povoljno na periferne krvne sudove ekstremiteta, na krvne sudove mozga i očiju.Beli luk deluje povoljno na celokupni sistem za varenje, pomaže kod bronhitisa i mnogih plućnih bolesti. Uništava mnoge bakterije (ešerihije,stafilokoke...)
Uz dodatak timijana ( takođe vekovima poznate lekovite biljke) FLP nudi ulje belog luka u kapsulama koje su bez mirisa i štetnog dejstva na sluzokožu želuca, koje sveži beli luk ima. Forever Garlic-thyme može koristiti svako, bez straha od neprijatnog zadaha i pečenja u želucu.
Rok trajanja: 4 godine
Pakovanje: 100 kapsula
Forever Garlic-Thyme®
The dietary use of garlic and thyme has been traced back thousands of years. An Egyptian papyrus dating from 1,500BC listed 22 healthy uses for garlic. Today, we are starting to understand how they work.
Garlic and thyme, the two powerful antioxidants found in Forever Garlic-Thyme®, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. When garlic is cut or crushed, enzymes react to produce a powerful immune-enhancing agent. Studies have shown that garlic’s other ingredients help the metabolism convert fats to energy and protect the body against free radicals.
Thyme contains saponins and other beneficial antioxidant substances.
- Powerful antioxidant
- Odorless, softgel capsule
- Helps protect the body against free radicals
- Helps support the conversion of fats to energy
The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.
Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
Independent Distributor
064 254 36 93
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