среда, 10. јул 2013.

Forever Lean (289)

Forever Lean redukuje apsorpciju kalorija, reguliše šećer i dovodi metabolizam u normalu

Forevr Lean sadrži revolucionarne sastojke koji pomažu telu da redukuje apsorpciju kalorija iz masti i ugljenohidrata. Prvi od ovih sastojaka je jedinstveno vlakno koje apsorbuje masnoću, dobijeno je iz kaktusa - Opuntia Ficus Indica, poznata još i kao indijanska smokva ili bodljikava kruška. Studije su pokazale da ovo jedinstveno vlakno ima visoku moć vezivanja masnoće, u poređenju sa drugim vrstama biljaka.
 Drugi jedinstveni sastojak u Forever Lean  je protein specijalno dobijen iz bobice biljke Phaseolus vulgaris, koja je poznata još i kao beli bubreg. Ovaj protein smanjuje nivo šećera u organizmu i privremeno inhibira aktivnost enzima koji pretvara skrob u šećer.
Ova dva revolucionarna sastojka potpomažu uspostavljanje idealne težine tako što zaustavljaju neke masne i ugljene kalorije koje čovek unosi u svoj organizam. Treći efikasan sastojak u proizvodu Forever Lean je Chromium Trichloride. Hrom je veoma važan mineral koji pomaže regulaciju šećera u krvi delujući kao GTF (glucose tolerance factor) kofaktor. Posebno je važan za normalan metabolizam. Međutim, da bismo dobili maksimum efekta ovog saplementa, bitno je upražnjavati pravilnu dijetu i redovne vežbe radi potpune kontrole i dostizanja idealne težine.

  • Zaustavlja apsorpciju kalorija iz masti i ugljenohidrata
  • Hrom pomaže regulisanje šećera u krvi i dovodi metabolizam u normalu
  • Privremeno inhibira apsorpciju kalorija iz šećera 

Uputstvo: Uzimati po jednu kapsulu sa vodom pola sata pre jela ili užine, maksimum 4 kapsule na dan.
Rok upotrebe:  4 godine
Pakovanje:       120 kapsula


                      Forever Lean®

  • Helps block the absorption of calories from fat and carbohydrates
  • Chromium helps the body regulate blood sugar for a normal metabolism
  • Temporarily inhibits the body’s absorbtion of calories from sugar
Forever Lean® provides two revolutionary ingredients that can help reduce the body’s absorption of calories from fat and carbohydrates. The first of these ingredients is a unique, fat-absorbing fiber derived from the cactus plant, Opuntia ficus-indica, otherwise known as Indian fig, nopal or prickly pear. Studies have shown that this unique fiber has a very high ability to bind fats, compared to other types of plants.

The other unique ingredient in Forever Lean® is a protein specially derived from the beans of the Phaseolus vulgaris plant, otherwise know as white kidney beans. This protein works by slowing the body’s absorption of sugar in the small intestine by temporarily inhibiting the enzyme activity that converts starches into sugar. 

Together these two revolutionary ingredients can help you succeed in your quest to reach your ideal weight by helping to block the absorption of some of the fat and carb calories you ingest.

The third most effective ingredient in Forever Lean® is Chromium Trichloride. Chromium is a very important trace mineral which helps the body’s natural ability to regulate blood sugar by acting as a GTF (glucose tolerance factor) cofactor. This is especially important for normal metabolism.

To maximize the effectiveness of this supplement, however, it is important to remember that you should also incorporate a healthy diet and regular exercise into your overall weight control regimen in order to achieve and maintain your weight goal.
Forever Lean 

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor

ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93

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