Nature-Min bogat je elementima u tragovima i makroelementima koji su od izuzetne važnosti za organizam, i u kombinaciji sa sinergično prirodnom bazom morskog taloga u helatnoj formi, obezbeđuju najosnovnije elemente u tragovima. U velikoj količini prisutni makroelementi -npr. kalcijum, fosfor, magnezijum - u proizvodu se nalaze u odgovarajućoj meri. Elementi u tragovima, npr. selen i hrom su prisutni u biološkom obliku i ne sadrže jod. Mineralne materije iz mora potiču iz jedne specifične forme taloga montmorilonita, koji je nastao u formi helata od minerala koji sadrže biljke i životinje mora - npr. morska trava, račići, alge. Nature-Min sadrži sve minerale koji se nalaze u ljudskom organizmu.
1. GVOŽĐE - malokrvnost, glavobolja, u teškim slučajevima pad imuniteta.
2.MAGNEZIJUM - nedostatak apetita, mučnina, slabost, strah, grčevi i drhtanje u mišićima, nesanica, ubrzano i neravnomerno lupanje srca, nervoza pre menstruacije, njegov nedostatak može da dovede do prevrenemog porođaja
3.FOSFOR - dosta je radak elemenat, njegov nedostatak izaziva gubitak apetita, slabost, bolove u kostima, krutost zglobova i nervne bolesti
4.KALCIJUM - njegovu apsorbciju pomaže vitamin D, zato njegov nedostatak kod dece izaziva rahitis.Smanjena količina kalcijuma u krvi izaziva i grčeve mišića, osteoporozu
5. KALIJUM - nedostatak apetita,nizak krvni pritisak, slabost mišića, nadimanje creva što može da dovede do prestanka funkcionisanja creva, smetnje pri mokrenju, smetnje pri disanju, veći nedostatak može da dovede do potpune nezainteresovanosti prema spoljašnjem svetu.
6. NATRIJUM - do njegovog nedostatka najčešće dolazi zbog gubitka velike količine tečnosti, simptomi su povećano znojenje, visoka temperatura, povraćanje
7. CINK - usporen fizički, duševni i polni razvoj, besplodnost,gruba i suva koža, sporo zarastanje rana
8. FLUOR - karies, razređenost kostiju
9. JOD - gušavost, pospanost, utučenost, umor, gojaznost
10. HROM - nedostatak hroma javlja se veoma retko, a može da prouzrokuje nadraženost, smetenost, povećava sklonost prema dijabetesu i bolestima koronarne arterije
11. BAKAR - retko se javlja njegov nedostatak, posledica je mali broj crvenih krvnih zrnaca, maže da prouzrokuje promene u boji i strukturi kose i da dovede do slabosti zidova krvnih sudova i vezivnog tkiva
Nature-Min® |
Your body can benefit from nutrients locked deep in an ancient seabed, because four percent of our body weight is comprised of these minerals. Since our bodies can’t manufacture minerals, we have to obtain them from our food or supplementation.
Forever Nature-Min® is an advanced, multi-mineral formula using new bio-available forms of minerals for maximum absorption. It provides minerals and trace minerals in a perfectly balanced ratio for maximum efficiency. Using a mineral base of natural seabed deposits, Nature-Min provides most of the key minerals found in the human body.
Minerals in the body perform three functions:
1. Some, like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, are constituents of the bones and teeth.
2. Others are soluble salts that help to control the composition of body fluids and cells.
3. Minerals, such as iron and hemoglobin, perform other vital tasks. They work with enzymes and proteins, which are necessary for releasing and utilizing energy.
Forever Nature-Min® is an excellent way to ensure that your body is getting the minerals and trace minerals it needs to meet the demands of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.Contains trace minerals from natural sea bed deposit2. Others are soluble salts that help to control the composition of body fluids and cells.
3. Minerals, such as iron and hemoglobin, perform other vital tasks. They work with enzymes and proteins, which are necessary for releasing and utilizing energy.
Perfect blend of minerals in each tablet
Minerals play many roles in the human body, from regulating fluid balance to activating genes and hormones .
The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.
Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781
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