недеља, 20. октобар 2013.

Vitolize for Women (375)

Neprijatnosti usled PMS, menopauze ili neadekvatne funkcije urinarnog trakta mogu biti povezane sa hormonskim promenama i specifičnim potrebama ishrane. Prirodna mešavina voća bogatog antioksidansima, lekovitih biljaka, vitamina i minerala u Vitolize suplementu za vitalnost žena, specijalno je dizajnirana tako da zadovolji potrebe žena.

Witolize for Women - Autentična biljna mešavina za vitalnost žena

Ekskluzivna mešavina hranljivih sastojaka obuhvata autentičnu mešavinu biljaka uključujući jabuku u prahu, Hristovo cveće, schisandra bobice. Svaka od ovih biljaka koristi se već vekovima za postizanje hormonske ravnoteže i potporu opšteg zdravlja.Ove biljke se zatim kombinuju sa klinički dokazanim plodom brusnice u prahu, napravljenim u autentičnom procesu koji pojačava prirodna korisna svojstva čitave brusnice. Jedinstvenim patentiranim tehnološkim procesom brusnica se štiti od raspadanja pod dejstvom želudačne 
kiselinH, i na taj način isporučuju hranljive sastojke u donji deo gastrointestinalnog trakta, gde se apsorbuje pomoću mehanizma odloženog oslobađanja.Vitolize takođe obuhvata mešavinu hranljivih sastojaka koji su specijalo dizajnirani i izbalansirani tako da daju potporu zdravlju žene i hormonskoj ravnoteži. Magnezijum, vitamin C i vitamini B neophodni su za proizvodnju hormona, ali ovi neophodni hranljivi sastojci,često su deficitarni zbog stresa i lekova koji se često koriste, uključujući i kontraceptivne pilule i hormonsku terapiju. Ovi vitamini kombinovani su sa patentiranim oblikom gvožđa i kalcijuma, dva minerala neophodna za zdravlje kardiovaskularnog sistema i kostiju. Hranljivi sastojci tako su izbalansirani da obezbeđuju potpunu podršku.

  • Stimuliše normalizaciju hormona
  • Pomaže kod neprijatnosti vezanih za PMS i menopauzu
  • Učestvuje u smanjivanju problema sa sistemom za mokrenje (inkontinencija)
  • Neutrališe loše posledice hormonalne terapije
  • Utiče na zdravlje srca kao i kostiju
  • Podrška za zdravlje svake žene
  • Antioksidans

Discomfort due to PMS, menopause, or less than optimal urinary tract function may be related to hormone changes and specific nutritional needs. The natural blend of antioxidant-rich fruits, herbs, vitamins and minerals in Vit♀lize™ Women’s Vitality Supplement is specifically designed with a woman’s needs in mind.
Proprietary Botanical Blend
Vit♀lize™ includes a proprietary blend of botanicals including apple powder, passionflower and schisandra berry. Each of these botanicals has been used for centuries to balance hormones and support overall health and well-being. 
These botanicals are then combined with a clinically proven cranberry fruit powder that is made through a proprietary process that intensifies the natural benefits of the whole cranberry. This unique cranberry incorporates a patented technology that protects the cranberry from destruction by gastric acid in the stomach, thereby delivering the nutrients to the lower gastrointestinal tract where they can be absorbed through a time-released mechanism. 
Exclusive Nutrient Blend
Vit♀lize™ also includes a blend of nutrients specifically designed and balanced to support women’s health and hormone balance. Magnesium, vitamin C and the B vitamins are all essential for hormone production, yet these critical nutrients are easily depleted by stress and common medications including birth control and hormone replacement therapies. These vitamins have been combined with patented forms of iron and calcium, two critical minerals for women’s cardiovascular and bone health. These nutrients have been properly balanced to provide complete support.

  • Proprietary botanical blend including apple powder, passionflower and schisandra berry
  • Promotes hormone balance to help you feel yourself at all times
  • Specifically designed with a woman’s needs in mind
  • Patented, clinically proven cranberry powder

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.

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