субота, 19. октобар 2013.

Vitolize for men (374)

Vitolize for Men - jedinstvena, sveobuhvatna formulacija za muškarce daje visoko efektivnu mešavinu moćnih biljaka u zaštićenoj mešavini, gde se nalaze saw palmetto, pygeum i ulje semena bundeve. Vitolize za muškarce sadrži vitamine C, D, E i B6, kao i minerale cink i selen, ali i likopen i preteču  i predstavnika svih bioflavonoida - kvercetin.

  • Prirodno rešenje za održavanje zdravlja prostate.
  • Pomaže u održavanju normalnog mokrenja (otok prostate)
  • Unapređuje funkciju testisa
  • Stimuliše normalizaciju hormona
  • Podrška zdravlju muškarca
  • Antioksidans


Although the exact age may vary, prostate health eventually becomes an important issue for all men. Vit♂lize™ Men’s Vitality Supplement contains all of the power of Forever Pr♂6®, but now also includes more nutrients, more bioavailable nutrient forms and more powerful botanicals. Vit♂lize™, combined with a healthy diet and exercise, offers a natural solution to support prostate health. This unique, comprehensive formulation supplies a highly effective blend of potent herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help maintain normal urinary flow, promote healthy testicular function, and encourage optimal prostate health. 
Proprietary Botanical Blend
Vit♂lize™ is formulated with a proprietary blend of botanicals including saw palmetto, pygeum and pumpkin seed. Each of these botanicals has been used for centuries to support prostate health. 
Exclusive Nutrient Blend
Vit♂lize™ also includes a blend of nutrients specifically designed and balanced to support men’s health and promote healthy prostate function. Vitamins C, D, E, and B6 are all essential for a healthy prostate. These vitamins have been combined with the minerals selenium and zinc, which have been found to play a critical role in prostate health. Quercetin and lycopene have also been added in levels that are properly balanced with these critical nutrients to provide complete prostate support. 
New & Improved
In addition to vitamin E, selenium and lycopene from the original Forever Pr♂6®, Vitamin C, D and B6 have been added in combination with zinc and quercetin. Vitamins C, D, and B6 are all essential for prostate health and are required for the production of hormones. 

  • Proprietary botanical blend including saw palmetto, pygeum and pumpkin seed
  • Proper nutrient balance for complete prostate support
  • Provides polyphenols equivalent to eating an entire pomegranate fruit

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.



Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor

ID  360000158781

064 254 36 93


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