петак, 7. фебруар 2014.

Forever Aloe Scrub ( 238 )

Forever Aloe Scrub ( 238 )

više od dubinskog čišćenja kože

Forever Aloe Scrub - piling koji nežno skida izumrle ćelije kože i nečistoće koje zatvaraju pore i kvare izgled naše kože. Nakon njegovog korišćenja otkrićemo novu, blistavo zdravu kožu!

Forever Aloe piling za kožu odstranjuje izumrle ćelije kože i time pomaže i ubrzava proces njihove obnove. Preparat sadrži stabilizovani AloeVera Gel, DI vodu, ulje od jojobe, E-vitamin, askorbinsku kiselinu, limunsku kiselinu. Svi ovi sastojci trljanjem skidaju sa koze celije koje su se stvrdle na površini a ujedno i hrane i omekšavaju kožu.
Forever Aloe Scrub se koristi dva puta nedeljno ( ukoliko je koža masna maksimalno tri puta nedeljno ). Nakon korišćenja ovog pilinga vaša koža će zračiti zdravljem!


“More than skin deep”, is Forever Aloe Scrub®. With its unique combination of Stabilized Aloe Vera gel and solid micro-spheres made from pure Jojoba Oil, this effective skin cleanser is gentle enough for everyday use and strong enough to clear away the debris that accumulates in the delicate pores of the skin. In combination, these two natural ingredients will clear the way for the skin’s own unique renewal process, while helping to protect it from the drying and damaging effects of synthetic cleansers.

Forever Aloe Scrub gently scrubs away dead skin cells and debris that clog pores and dull the skin’s appearance, to begin revealing radiant “new”, healthier skin.
  • Natural exfoliator for the face and body
  • Prepares skin for moisturization
  • Gentle enough for everyday use


Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

Check it out at 

Check it out at       http://www.foreverliving.com?store=USA&distribID=360000158781

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