субота, 22. март 2014.

Bonusi, Bonuses, Bonusi

Bonusi, Bonusi, Bonusi

Forever Living Products smatra da će ljudi kao što ste Vi promovisati naše proizvode. Dobijaćete lične zarade od po maksimalnih 18% za sponzorisanje svakog novog distributera i pomoć koju im pružate kako bi prodali robu. A kako ti distributeri budu unapređivani u asistent supervizora, supervizora i asistente menadžera, dobijaćete i bonus od grupe od još maksimalnih 13% za svakog od ovih članova.

Ukoliko Vam ni to nije dovoljno, počećete da dobijate i liderski bonus za svakog menadžera koji se nalazi u rangu ispod Vas počevši od bonusa od 2% pa sve do onog od 6% u zavisnosti od toga gde ste pozicionirani.

Od ovolikih bonusa može Vam se zavrteti u glavi, ali je sve zapravo veoma jednostavno. Sledite već dokazani metod Koraci do Uspeha,  pomozite i drugima da ga slede i pre nego što postanete i svesni, dobijaćete velike iznose bonusa da nećete ni moći da ispratite odakle.

Bonuses, Bonuses, Bonuses

Forever Living Products relies on people like you to share our products. You’ll get our products at wholesale prices, and earn up to 43% when you sell them at retail prices. On top of that, you’ll get a Personal Bonus of up to 18% for sponsoring each new Distributor and helping them make sales. And as you develop your Distributors into Assistant Supervisors, Supervisors, and Assistant Managers, you’ll earn a Group Volume Bonus of up to 13% on each of these team members.

If that’s not enough, you’ll start bringing in a Leadership Bonus for every manager in your downline, starting at a 2% bonus and going as high as a 6% bonus depending where they are positioned in your organization.

All these bonuses may leave your head spinning, but it’s actually very simple. Follow the proven Steps to Success. Help others follow it too. And before you know it, you’ll have more bonuses coming in than you can keep track of.

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

Check it out at 

Check it out at       http://www.foreverliving.com?store=USA&distribID=360000158781

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