четвртак, 20. март 2014.

Zašto se priključiti Forever Living Products - Why Join Forever Living Products?

Forever Living Products je drugačija vrsta kompanije. To je kompanija koja svakome pruža priliku da ima kvalitetniji život predstavljajući inovativne wellness proizvode i dajući nenadmašnu priliku za finansijski napredak.

Forever Living Products is a different kind of company that provides everyone with a better quality of life through innovative wellness products and an unmatched financial opportunity. 

Nisu svi poslovi nastali na isti način

Forever Living Products je kompanija sa priznatim rezultatima koji pokazuju integritet u svakoj donešenoj poslovnoj odluci. Dok druge kompanije tvrde da pružaju slične prilike svojim članovima, bitno je shvatiti šta čini jednu uspešnu multi-level kompaniju. Pogledajte elemente uspešnog poslovanja:

Kvalitet proizvoda

Inovativni, kvalitetni proizvodi govore o kredibilitetu kompanije—ali i o Vama kao distributeru. Potražite lidera na tržištu koji iza sebe ima već dokazane rezultate.

Nema preskakanja

Niko iz vaše donje linije ne može biti unapređen na poziciju iznad Vaše. Njihovo promovisanje i napredovanje, podrazumeva i Vaše napredovanje.

Finansijska stabilnost

Stabilan rast je snažan indikator uspešne budućnosti. Pogledajte tabele rasta i vrednosti prodaje tokom čitavog postojanja kompanije.


Tražite kompaniju sa barem 5-ogodišnjim dokazanim rezultatima iza sebe i sa jakim menadžmentom. Forever Living iza sebe ima preko 35 godina uspešnog rada.  

Potrošni proizvodi

Aktivna baza potrošača je od ključnog značaja za uspešni posao koji će se voditi od kuće. To se može postići samo sa potrošnim proizvodima.

Široka mreža podrške

Vaš uspeh odražava uspeh kompanije. Dobra kompanija pružiće odličnu obuku, seminare, podsticaje i centar za pružanje podrške .

Medjunarodno prisustvo

Kompanija koja postoji na međunarodnom tržištu, odraz je stabilnosti, rasta i velikog iskustva u poslovanju.

Not All Businesses Are Created Equal

Forever Living Products is a company with a proven track record that shows integrity with every business decision. While there are other companies that claim to offer similar opportunities, it’s important to understand what makes a successful multi-level marketing company. Look for these important business practices:

Quality Product

Innovative, quality products speak of the credibility of the company—and you as a Distributor. Look for a market leader with a proven track record.

No Pass-Ups

Nobody in your downline should ever be promoted above you. A promotion for them should be a promotion for you too.   

No Demotions

A good marketing plan allows you to relax if you need to without worrying about being demoted for inactivity.

Bonuses Paid on Retail Prices

Bonuses on retail pricing means more money for you, the Distributor. Bonuses paid on wholesale pricing is a red flag.

Financial Stability

Steady growth is a strong indicator of a successful future. Review growth charts and sales figures for the entire life of the company.


The longer a company has been around, the more experience and stability it has. Look for a company with at least a 5-year track record of growth and strong management. Forever Living has over a 30 year track record of success. 

Multiple Income Opportunities

A key advantage to being involved with an MLM business is that you can enjoy multiple opportunities to earn money. A good company will offer profit sharing, leadership, and royalty bonuses.  

Consumable Products

An active customer base is critical to a successful home-based business. This can only be built with quality consumable products.

Extensive Support Network

Your success represents the success of the company. A good company will offer excellent training, seminars, incentives, and a support center.

International Presence

A company with an international presence demonstrates stability, growth, and ample industry experience. 

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

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