уторак, 25. март 2014.

Najbolja Aloja za najbolje proizvode - Best Aloe for the best products!

  Aloe Barbadensis Miller.
Teško ga je izgovoriti, ali vredi znati ime ove biljke.

Postoji oko 400 vrsti biljke Aloa. One su sve sukulenti koji rastu u pustinjskim predelima širom sveta. Svaka od njih je korisna na svoj način, ali samo jedna od njih je već milenijumima cenjena zbog svojih magičnih svojstava da umiruje - Aloa Barbadensis Miller.

Zapisi o ovoj biljci postoje još na Sumerskim glinenim tablicama iz 2200. godine pre nove ere. Delotvornost aloe u kozmetičke i medicinske svrhe cenile su još antičke civilizacije Egipta, Kine, Grčke, Rima, Indije i Arabije. Kao i te antičke civilizacije, Forever Living se bazirala na aloji zbog njenih umirujućih, hranljivih svojstava.

Kako bi smo poboljšali naše proizvode za negu zdravlja i lepote, oslanjamo se na najvrednije, najekskluzivnije primerke aloa vera. Mi smo vlasnici plantaža aloje koju koristimo za pravljenje naših proizvoda, tako da možemo da Vam garantujemo čistoću i delotvornost svih naših proizvoda.

Naši aloe vera proizvodi su nagrađeni i priznati od strane  International Aloe Science Council (Međunarodni Aloe Naučni Savet). Pogledajte sertifikat kvaliteta na svim našim aloe proizvodima.

Insistiramo na najboljem - a najbolje je upravo ono što stiže do Vas.


About Aloe

For centuries, the Aloe vera plant has been used for its cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Records dating back to ancient civilizations throughout Eastern Europe and Africa show that this miraculous plant was as highly sought after for its healing properties then as much as it is today.

Aloe is often referred to as nature's best gift due to the proven health benefits derived from the sap. Chalked full of vitamins and minerals it is a natural way to ensure health from the inside out. The gel of the plant is very successful in the treatment of acne, burns and insect stings when applied topically. And recent studies have proven that drinking aloe gel can greatly improve digestive issues and help to improve your body's overall defense system.


The Aloe Barbadensis Miller species is the crème de la crème of the aloe family. Organically grown in our privately owned plantations, we ensure both the quality and purity of our plants. And because we only want the best for our consumers, we use only the best ingredients in our products.

We understand the important role that aloe can play with regards to your health. From our shampoos and conditioners, to our rehydrating skin care line, to our nutritional Forever Aloe drinks, we are keeping you healthy on the inside and out. In fact, our products were the first to be awarded the International Aloe Science Council's Seal of Approval. Because we insist on the best, that's exactly what you get with Forever Living.


Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

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Check it out at       http://www.foreverliving.com?store=USA&distribID=360000158781

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