петак, 21. март 2014.

Forever Living Marketing plan

Forever Living Marketing plan

U Forever Living Products, uspeh je jednostavan. Podelite naše ekskluzivne, inovativne wellness proizvode i finansijsku priliku sa drugima, i tako zarađujte dodatne prihode koji će Vam obezbediti doživotnu finansijsku sigurnost.

Kako to funkcioniše

Počećete svoj posao od kuće sa dokazanim potrošnim proizvodima, u jednoj uspešnoj firmi. Forever Living Products obezbediće Vam osnovna sredstva i podršku za razvijanje Vašeg poslovanja. Ono što Vi treba da obezbedite jeste entuzijazam.

Uspeh kao distributeru u okviru Forever Living-a Vam je zagarantovan. Kada postignete ma koju poziciju u našem marketinškom planu, ostaćete tu. Isto tako ćete uživati i u uspehu Vašeg tima. Njihov uspeh je i Vaš uspeh!

Mi smo posvećeni Vašem uspehu

Naš čitav poslovni plan je dizajniran tako da bi ste Vi uspeli. Pružamo Vam prvoklasnu obuku, sjajne podsticaje i česte seminare. Dokumentaciju i neophodnu bazu podataka smo Vam sveli na minimum tako da najveći period vremena možete da provedete na onome što Vam je najvažnije a to su Vaši kupci! Sa bolje obučenim, visoko motivisanim timom distributera, Vaš posao će postepeno da raste, obezbeđujući Vam bolju zaradu i približavajući Vas Vašim snovima.

Forever Living Marketing Plan

At Forever Living Products, success is simple. Share our exclusive, innovative wellness products and financial opportunity with others, and earn residual income that gives you financial security for life.

How it works

You’ll start your very own home-based business with proven, consumable products in an established, growing industry. Forever Living Products supplies the structure and support for your business. You supply the enthusiasm.

Your success as a Forever Living Distributor is secure. Once you achieve any position in the marketing plan, you’ll stay there. You’ll also enjoy the success of your team. Their success is your success, too!

We are committed to your success

Everything in our business plan is designed for your achievement. We provide world-class training, fabulous incentives, and frequent recognition meetings. We minimize your paperwork and product inventory so you can spend your time where it really matters—with your customers. With a better trained, highly motivated Distributor team, your business grows steadily, earning you more income and getting you closer to your dreams.

Mirela Vujanović
Independent Distributor
ID 360000158781

 064 254 36 93

Check it out at 

Check it out at       http://www.foreverliving.com?store=USA&distribID=360000158781

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